Monday, October 4, 2021

Top Insights About the Biohazard Shipping

Shipping business firms have simplified their procedures to grab many customers and continue rising to the pinnacle. Its principal activities involve packing products, mailing to the respective customer, and adding the shipping label. They aim to ensure these products reach their intended recipient safely and within the stipulated time frame. However, consumers and companies find a challenge in shipping biohazard products around the globe. The main reason behind this is that the government imposes strict measures to protect the recipients and shipping professionals in the competitive market. Following are things you need to consider whenever shipping hazardous products globally:

Shipping services

Nowadays, the USPS organization has imposed strict guidelines for the shipping of hazardous material. Primarily, government agencies religiously post prohibited products on their responsive and interactive site. Additionally, they list those businesses that have recently faced shipping issues. They also share the shipment product content like perishable, fragile, or hazardous liquid. Its main intention is to offer an honest opinion on the shipment material to achieve greatness in the long. Below are some top-notch questionable items in shipping organizations: 

1. Drugs and Tobacco

Authorized business empire is primarily allowed to mailed prescription medications by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

2. Batteries

Shipping statistics indicate that lithium batteries have certain imposed laws, such as the lithium content should be lower than 1.0 per individual cell. However, if installed in a particular container, these batteries should be more secured to avoid damage and short circuit.

3. Fragrances

Most states prohibit airmailing, specifically flammable perfumes. Typically, these products can primarily ship by ground transportation. Beware that shipping perfumes internationally is banned significantly.

 Check on the shipping method

The UPS organization closely operates with businesses specializing in specific products to maintain their positive reputation. It also works with consumers to share insights on a wide range of products, ensuring their safety throughout. Its customer support works around the clock to solve any issue that might arise with the hazardous material. Besides, consumers are taught how to pack dangerous products effectively. As a result, it prevents leaking as well as enhancing security on the container. As a wise business guru, clearly label the outer container with hazardous material and maximize the sturdiest shipping materials to boost its security. By doing so, you properly secure all products inside the package.

Suppose a particular business empire notices its products unsafe through leaking or other methods, it is recommended to remove that product from the respective shipping activity. Therefore, the company should take intensive measures to analyze and determine the safety of the shipping product before striking the move.

It would be helpful to determine the shipping product before launching the process to reduce the chances of working on unsafe products. To enact this move, a company should have a proper shipping plan and a specialist team guiding on the next move in the entire process. Whether the process is through a courier or UPS service, businesses should work diligently and perfectly to avoid the issues at the end of the shipping process. However, traditional shipping firms have higher chances of offering hazardous items due to their local procedures and poor planning strategy.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Key points of Picking and Shipping Methods

With ecommerce growing, there are tons of components that are vital to the success of a business. for instance, if a business thrives on the efficiency that’s needed to fulfill the orders of a customers, then you need to understand different picking methods and how they’re done for shipping too. It’s actually vital, because half of your operating costs are based on picking, so the right ways to pick actually improve everything, and help your business grow o  the chain of supply as well. 

About Order Picking 

This is literally when people grab you order, throw it in a box, and then ship it out. You can do this in a warehouse, and it’s something that does help with the efficiency of orders and helping the business get better too. This is something that a lot of people prefer for their items because it does improve the efficiency, and helps make sure that the order is there, so you can automatically look at what’s needed. This is pretty simple and straightforward with a warehouse, and you can even group similar items to just one picker, making it more efficient, and cost-effective, making it more accurate as well. 

It also improves the customer satisfaction of people, and it also gets rid of the chance that you may give someone the wrong order, or that you messed up everything that you’re packing as well. Customers don’t want to have this wrong, and they don’t’ want the order to be delayed, since this does impact the returns and reviews too. But with proper order picking, you can definitely give customers the right experience, making them happy and satisfied too. 

Finally, it improves the productivity of labor, and having the right one is something that is good for ensuring that the rules are good and make it easy for people to look at orders. This is something that helps people work more efficiently, and quickly too. 

Types of Picking 

Usually, you do this in a warehouse, but there are different kinds of discreet picking that are also used, and it definitely does vary as well based on the warehouse, to help you determine what’s the best way to pick for your business. Below are the top ways to pick, and strategies to help those merchants who are into ecommerce to properly approach this as well. 

Discrete picking 

This is picking that involves having the orders happen in the same area with the right strategy, getting the order as soon as it’s placed. This is best for small businesses or those warehouses that don’t have the right storage facilities, and usually, if the company expands, you can also try other methods. 


This is done by picking batches of orders, where the person doesn’t need to travel to get the orders done. Instead, they stay in the same place, and then pick the orders at once. This is something that does boost productivity and usually is pretty fast. 


Finally, you’ve got a cluster, where the person picks multiple orders into containers all at once. These usually involve pick-to-cart operations, where you load the cart with different shippers, and the pickers do make one pass through this area to sort this. There are also vertical lift modules, which involve them grabbing batches and activating this through modules. Finally, you’ve got picking in waves, which means that you’re doing this in certain periods of time, where you complete the orders that are there rather than in just the order placed, to help optimize the operations too.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Transitioning to Dorm Life


College is an exciting time, and for freshmen, this move can be exciting, but also quite overwhelming. While it’s a whole new chapter, you might wonder the best way to get into the transitionTo start off correctly, here’s some good tips for college freshmen to try, especially when they’re looking to properly succeed with this transition. 

The Move itself 

The move from your home you’ve lived in all your life to a dorm is definitely overwhelming. You do want to pack what you need, especially since space is limited, and you’re going to share it with a roommate, so you want to make sure that you don’t try to bring the whole bedroom, but think of this more like a new start, and use this to decorate the room in a way that’s fun, and really showcases your personality. 

You should also check with your college through to figure out what’s fine and what’s not fine to bring to a college campus. For example, appliances to cook, heaters, or items that require exact installation are usually not okay, but always check before you do move. The best thing to do in this case is go to the basics, stick to this, and don’t just try to bring everything out of house and home for school. 

Using the space aptly 

Dorms are small, and they usually fit at most, three people. It’s likely that you’ll probably have at least one roommate in college, so make sure you’re using the space effectively. Arrange your furniture so that it fits your needs. Work with the roommate to rearrange the room. This is also a good way to get to know them better so it’s not super awkward. 

Bed raisers and lofting is a good way to help make sure that the bed is comfy for both of you. Some colleges do have bed frames that are adjustable, but not every school has those. Lofting also offers for storing toes better, reduces the floor space, and let you organize better, lowering the messes and limiting this to offer a more friendly and welcoming place. Consider getting those stackable drawers to help keep a small space properly organized for a long time. 

The rules 

Every single dorm will have some kind of rules. When you move, you should learn this, and also know who the resident assistant, or RA is, or the student leader is. They will usually call what’s called a floor meeting to talk about the rules, including when guests can sign in, the quiet hours, and also etiquette in the halls. 

Some dorms may not allow drinking, which can result in expulsion from housing. The same is for drug use. Guest policies vary on colleges but are usually set based on certain hours where residents can have guests around, the guests that are allowed, and any other qualifications necessary. 

The roommates 

Some people may have a roommate. This is usually good to help socialize, but many of them do become friends for the rest of their life. This is something that’s important to make sure that you get right, since this is someone you’re going to be living with. 

If mismatched, let them know right away, and see if there are solutions.  Sometimes, you may need a different roommate if the disagreements get to be too much. The best way to go about this is to treat them how you’d like to be treated, don’t touch stuff that’s not yours, and obviously, don’t bother them if they’re studying, and you’ll have a good experience even if mismatched.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Dealing with the storage nowadays

The year has been a wild one for the majority of Americans.  The  pandemic has changed the way we work, live, shop and so much more.  In my own personal life I have been at home for far longer than I ever imagined.  It has been fantastic, complicated, and sad at times.

The unexpected consequences of this has led to many things that are a bit annoying.  I have found that since I have been shopping online a lot that my doorstep is always full.  This normally would be an exciting moment, but now it has become a normal occurance and what this really means is that I have ended up with a ton of excess trash.  This is really sad because I have not been able to actually get rid of it at the pace that it is coming in.  So I finally found a solution and I want to go through that with you.


First I think it is important to let you know I feel like we should be kind to our surroundings. I am not a big fan of waste and if I end up using 4 trashbags of waste each week I would like to be able to lower that going into the ground.  I would much rather have that trash be reused if possible so less trees have to be used and less products have to be made if they don't have too.   I think reusing and keeping our planet as healthy as possible is simply a good thing to do.  It is truly a small addition but millions of small healthy things can lead to a big help.  So when it comes to the cheap moving boxes stacked up in my garage from all the shipping I want to have them be reused if I can help it. 


To be able to do this though I have to get these boxes into a large trash can.  Since we are not allowed to recycle legally in my area by driving to do a recycle station, due to it not being an emergency I must find a legal way to keep up with my own goals.  So the process began by me simply breaking apart the boxes by hand and trying to stuff them in the trashcan.  Well lets face it originally I simply threw them in and only got a few trashed a week.  But the amount of cardboard boxes simply piled up.  Now my garage is literally getting stacked to the ceiling with cheap moving boxes.  So now the game is on.


My new process for taking care of this problem is to not simply break them down by hand but to cut them down into the shape of the trashcan on the inside. I started this with a pair of scissors but my hands only got through a few boxes before I got a blister.  This was a good way to do it for a couple boxes, but not a long term solution.  So I went and picked up my dads old hunting knife.  It was rather sharp and I started to safely cut the boxes with a fixed blade knife.  First I put on gloves and also boots just in case.  I wanted to be safe so I only cut away from my body, but got pretty good at it. I was able to break down the boxes pretty quick and cut them to the right size.  I was able to get 7 big boxes broken down and in the trash can with little problem.  Also, I was able to get many small boxes in the gaps.  So give this a try and I hope it works for you!

Friday, June 16, 2017

All About Poly Bags

Do you work in packaging clothing, magazines, or maybe sensitive documents or a group of papers? 

If that’s the case, you might want to look into polybags. 

A polybag is a great way for you to protect things that need extra protection, and they don’t’ cost a ton of money. Here, we’ll go over what polybags are, and if they’re right for you. 

What’s a Polybag 

A polybag is a clear plastic bag that’s made to package and ship different products. They’re made out of polyethylene, which is one of the most common plastic variants available. 

This is about 1-6 mm in terms of thickness, with the thinner option being used if you don’t need extra protection.  The bags are made with specific plastics, which offer a packaging that is versatile, and simple for companies to use. 

Polybags are popular, simply because of the shape being slim, the textures being smooth, and of course a reflective surface. They also offer a lot of flexibility due to the different options. 

What can I use Polybags For? 

Ideally, they’re used for clothing, documents and mail, magazines and books, even pillows. However, many common types of products can be put in a polybag. They’ve since replace corrugated boxes simply because of how simple they are to use. 

Where did they Come From? 

They’ve been the slow replacement to boxes, simply because they involve less material, are far less costly on shipping, and less harmful to the planet. Like other kinds of packaging that’s flexible, they have a lower form of a carbon footprint than corrugated boxes do, and other more rigid forms of packaging. 

Polybags are preferred these days over the more traditional form of packaging, simply because they offer a lot of benefits. They also save companies a ton of money on both the products themselves, along with packaging waste for consumers to get rid of when they’re done unboxing items. 

Any Equipment Needed? 

For smaller companies, you can try the zip-lock polybags. You will have to add the seal manually however., for larger applications, you want to make sure you use the heat-sealable kinds. 

For ones which require heat sealing, you will need a bag sealer. 

This is different from other kinds of sealers such as a lap or side sealers, since this will seal it directly into the polybag by using heating to seal the sides of this. 

The sealers will hermetically seal this, and with this kind of application, the volume of your products will of course tell you the size, type, and even model of the bag. 

You can also do a vacuum seal on this too, in order to conserve space or take air out of the packaging. They can be used to help protect the product. 

Polybags are good if you’re looking to reduce your packaging costs, especially if you’re going broke using corrugated boxes. 

However, if you need something stronger, you might want to keep using your boxes, simply because polybags are ideal for less breakable items. But if you can lower your carbon footprint, and want to create a more transparent packaging for your products while also not caring about plastic, this is a great option. 

Polybags are also good for those who struggle with trying to package a lot of items at once. They do come in much more flexible sizing, so if you need that freedom, polybags are good for you. 

They’re a great packaging material, and for clothes and small items, this is a great way to package it and a good way to reduce consumption of energy. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

The Importance of Custom Poly Mailers in Retail Marketing

Packaging isn’t just choosing a nice product and securing it, it’s also the branding and image. All while as well, balancing out the cost-effectiveness and the durability of the product.

Custom made types of poly mailers offer a whole bunch of benefits, including being resealable in a lot of cases, while also being secure and stylish. Custom packaging and its solutions do empower the brands to enhance the experience that customers will have from the initial touchpoint.

When you work with us, we do focus on creating some custom made mailers that blend the functionality with more impactful types of branding, creating unforgettable unboxing experiences. 

Custom poly mailers are a great choice for a business that’s looking to reflect on the brand values that are there based on the customer interaction. Poly mailer bags offer more durable, lightweight shipping options, and are also a great canvas for the customized branding you need. Transforming the shipments into personalized branding encounters allows you to fit the needs of a customer, and with mailer bags you get that enhanced recognition with the product safety at its focus. 

We have some cool customized poly bags with logos, and a lot of companies love our packaging, as it does resonate with the customer values, and all of this is done while also ensuring that there is aesthetic elegance and practicality in the shipments too. 

Why Custom Poly Mailers are Needed 

With a lot of innovative types of packaging solutions coming out, brands need to look at the practicality of this. custom poly mailers are becoming a more pivotal part of this. it also blends durability, being cost-effective, and enhancing the brand, all of which are winning factors in our market today.

A lot of manufacturers are also scaling up these poly mailer production, with bubble and padded types of options, along with the flat ones. This drive also offers some other unique features, such as tamper evident, and puncture and tear-proof types of options, which are complemented further with some dual adhesives for using it for other means again, which is what brings this industry and its commitment towards innovation to the helm. Yes, all of these enhancements have worked to help with growing the shipping community, and really help with the market in many ways.

Poly Mailers in Retail 

Poly mailers are also some of the best in retail, because they offer a natural competitive edge as they tend to be lighter, and far more manageable when compared to normal options for packaging. They also do reduce the costs of shipping, but also naturally protect the contents from moisture and the elements, so they get to arrive in top condition. 

This is all vital to elevating the branding and marketing position to levels that make customers really satisfied. 

It also helps with customer behavior, and with more ecommerce activity at the helm, it provides lasting impressions to customers. Custom poly mailers aren’t just good for protecting, but they’re also like a billboard, allowing you to turn all of the packaging that you have into mobile advertisements. It also enhances the customer recall that’s there, so they remember you.

And not only that, but they’re also some of the most cost effective shipping because of how cheap they are. They’re lightweight, compact, and have minimal postage and storage. This space saving activity will save your business, and help you grow. 

If you haven’t used them yet, use custom poly mailers for your business, in order to enhance everything and really wow the customers you have with your unique business opportunities.

Monday, January 9, 2017

How to choose a box

It turns out that this would be a year that I would spend learning new things.  The pandemic left our entire economy in a panic and many companies ended up working on a lot of ecommerce areas instead of the normal selling style of brick and mortar.  It has been a whirl wind of scared businessman not knowing what to do and I can only imagine what it would feel like to have to pivot from a 100% brick and mortar to e commerce overnight. Luckily, my company was already online and we simply ramped up our shipping production.  This did leave us in a bit of a hard spot, because there were lots of items that we did not originally sell online because of their size and weight.  It turns out that the costs of shipping those items greatly makes people not want to purchase them. We also found out that after shipping a few of them that our normal system was simply not going to work. So I want to take you through how we chose the boxes we did to ship out heavy items.


First we had to do some research.  In all honesty I didn't think that there was a difference in cardboard boxes and regular cheap moving boxes but I was wrong.  There is actually multiple types of boxes out there and what we actually think of as a cardboard box is actually a corrugated box.  This distinction was really a big deal in the packaging world and it looks like most companies that do this type of work for a living have different ratings systems and versions of corrugated boxes.  Cardboard is actually more like a cereal box which is flimsy and thin.  That is how it was explained to me.  So that was a different search altogether.  Once we found this out we were able to located corrugated box makers which were usually packaging supply companies.


Now to be honest the more we learned the more we realized that we needed a professional to simply let us know what weight of box we would need.  I couldn't belive the details in the system and I simply decided to call up a packaging supply store online and ask some questions. I am not sure why I didn't do this sooner but they had all the answers and more for us.  They literally do this for billion dollar big box stores so we decided to trust them and they were right.  We found the right type of boxes for our super heavy duty products.  They ended up giving us a deal on the boxes that would hold our items due to the fact we needed so many.


It turns out that putting all of our packaging supplies items together on the same order and getting a discount made up for the broken items we shipped out with cheap moving boxes.  So it was a lesson learned and we also have a way to make good margins while still shipping out these boxes safely.  That really is what it comes down to and in the end it was a fantastic move for us. It is also currently a competitive advantage against our competitors. It is one that we don't intent to let the know about anytime soon, but I am guessing they will figure it out eventually.

Top Insights About the Biohazard Shipping

Shipping business firms have simplified their procedures to grab many customers and continue rising to the pinnacle. Its principal activitie...